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CLAWREIGNA PRODUCTION was founded by Claudine Pierre-Louis. I created CLAWREIGNA PRODUCTION to bring more opportunities to filmmakers, actors, and all forms of artists. I was tired of having to wait for opportunities so I decided to create the opportunities for myself and others. I want to change the way the industry operates. Create safe spaces for people to be authentically and whole heartedly themselves and to not feel they have to look or be a certain way in order to work in the Entertainment Industry. Representation matters and I want you to know that you deserve a seat at the table. I built my team with wonderful people who agree with my ideology. Let's all make good shit that fills us up, makes us laugh, and want to better ourselves and others. Don't ever let anyone make you feel like you don't belong or that you aren't worthy. You are a  star. Make it happen! 


-Claudine Pierre-Louis | Founder/CEO 

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